At Steel Frame Company, we manufacture steel frames and trusses for residential and light commercial builders throughout Central West NSW. Our products are built in-house using state-of-the-art equipment and industry-leading materials.
Ensure your home or business has strong bones—call
(02) 6372 9279 to place an order. Our steel frames come with a 50-year BlueScope steel warranty.
Since 1980, we’ve provided high-quality steel framing to builders throughout Mudgee, Orange, Dubbo and Central West NSW. Our frames and trusses are manufactured in-house using an ENDURO roll former. Each steel component is shaped, cut and pre-drilled using exact digital technology. So, when it arrives on-site, all that’s required is for the components to be bolted together.
With more than 40 years’ operation, we’re just as strong as our steel products.
Thank you for contacting Steel Frame Company.
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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